Updates and new features

AN UPDATE: monthly report from the shop floor, reset to zero and filter stock levels

Manufacturing tips

Is using Excel free of charge and doesn’t cost you anything?

Manufacturing tips

9 Best Practices for Managing Factory Operations

Manufacturing tips

Manufacturing analytics: the metrics you need to enjoy a worry-free vacation

Updates and new features

AN UPDATE: extended daily report from the shop floor, a new view of the work history, and manufacturing tasks tabs

Employees and motivation

9 Types of Employees (and How to Deal With Them)

Manufacturing tips

How to Maximize Employee Productivity

Manufacturing tips

Buddy Punching: Unraveling its Consequences in Manufacturing Business

Manufacturing tips

Boosting Your Factory Productivity: A Comprehensive Guide

Manufacturing tips

Unlock the value of bar-coded labels in inventory management.

Updates and new features

LAN UPDATE: printing bar code labels, stock levels, planned demand

Updates and new features

AN UPDATE: Ability to manually add records to work history, time and attendance, raw materials inventory (including raw material demand chart), and supplier orders.