Manufacturing software for cardboard packaging

Your margins are low because of big competition? The cost of remunerations has constantly been growing, and you rely on labor from crucibles to be done by hand gluing?

There is good news – there aren’t that many branches where you can solve production management and labor accounting problems with such ease.

On top of it, if you want to organize cardboard orders better, so employees will not stand by slotters waiting for a delivery, you are more than welcome to read on ????

In your industry trusted us small companies making all types of packaging:

  • simple flap boxes/multipacks packaging, 
  • advanced cardboard packaging / POS standard
  • micro-scale businesses producing packaging.

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We have a much better history of work (filtered by workers, machines, etc.). Everything is as clear as day.

Greg Company owner

Prodio is a mighty work in the progress tracking system, which helps us with production management. In Prodio, you can view task updates in real-time, make estimations, monitor vital metrics, prioritize if necessary and keep everything on track. Time and attendance recording system is a perfect solution, mainly because it allows easy calculation of overtime hours, lateness, costs and adjusts the time needed to complete orders.

Michael Company owner


Effective production planning and costs tracking.

Stop filling out manufacturing order forms manually!

Even though you use a computer, a paper document with parameters and packaging technological description is required in your branch.

Instead of filling out the order form by hand with one click, you can print a clear manufacturing order for a production hall, with all necessary for completion parameters.

As a bonus, you get bar codes on your order form, and thanks to them, work registration is even faster.


Flexibly assign work to the next shifts.

Now your employees will always know what to do. Are you afraid that they might not have sufficient computer skills? Don’t be – we made it as easy as possible and intuitive.

Thanks to production technology, orders automatically are divided into particular slotters, crucibles or glueing – and you save your precious time!


No more chaos at the cardboard packaging manufacture – keep your orders under control, no matter how many you get.

Imagine a clear list with all orders included, with their status shown, updated timing, type of cardboard used, punching die number, graphics and visuals…

…additionally, this list is constantly updating each time an employee enters new data. Sound like finally a dream come true – it’s possible in your branch – see for yourself ????


Forget lengthy calculations: track and analyze labour costs with ease (including pay based on the number of pieces made), find the weakest links (especially in procedures made by hand)

Do you have to deal with a high turnover on the production floor? Do you base the pay rates on the number of pieces made?

You may spend long hours on payroll, counting working time and trying to find dangerous and costly anomalies or fix problems with an optimal solution. Prodio gives you instant access to necessary information. With one click, you can export necessary data, i.e. work history, to MS Excel, where remuneration will be easy to calculate.

Would you like to keep track of the consumption of cardboard and avoid material shortages? Now it’s possible:)

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Manufacturing Software Features

Everything you need to run and manage a small manufacturing business

Online production planning and real-time progress tracking

From any place in the world with just a few clicks create a production schedule then share it via a web browser with the shop floor.
Communication between managers and workers doesn’t have to be messy or difficult.

Check out production planning module

Shop floor control and work in progress tracking

The workers register the start / the end of each operation, indicate the progress, and add extra comments using an easy online template.
You can view task updates in real-time, monitor key metrics, make accurate decisions and keep everything on track.

Check out shop floor control module

Orders and products management

Regain control over orders thanks to an easy online view. Track lead times and get optimal efficiency.
You see who’s working on the job, where in the production process it is, and if you are going to meet the delivery date.

Check out orders and products management module

Time and attendance tracking

Turn time into money, capture every minute of every day, prevent lateness, and never miss a second of chargeable time again.
See who’s on shift, who’s running late, who forgot to clock-in/ clock-out, and who’s on break.

Check out time and attendance tracking module

Products database and your company knowledge management

The more you use Prodio – the greater technology of products is created; thanks to that, new employees’ training process will be easier, faster, and the knowledge will stay in the company.

Check out product database module

Friendly inventory of raw materials and finished products

Control stock levels and material flow without hundreds of limitations as in ERP systems. Order materials straight from your suppliers in accordance with the planned demand. Keep your warehouse organized with barcode labels, EAN codes, and multiple warehouse management.

Check out inventory module

Get rid of paper ordersand track your production right now!

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Tips and tricks for your industry

Check how to customize your new manufacturing software

Collect all necessary data about packaging precisely so it can be sent to production with one click.

  1. As additional product boxes (Settings- Additional boxes) define:   
    • Type of FEFCO
    • Punching die number 
    • Polymer’s number
    • Type of print
    • Alternative cardboard formats
    • Type of printing 
    • other necessary things.
  2. Attach visualization/printing project
    3) Prepare a default path for the product in the technology section
    4) Optionally, you can set limits for the software to show your employees’ efficiency and point at potential hang-around.

Give the production hall clear, one “click” orders

Make your “purchaser” a part of the technological process to be faster and smoother the cardboard ordering process.

When you set Purchaser as the “Machine” in the technological process, he will know to see what kind of cardboard shall be ordered and after he can check the box “ordered” – it will be a clear message for the person working the first machine that everything is ready and the production procedure can be started!

If you want to appear more professional – prepare a separate machine for both a purchaser and stock boy, making checking progress more effortless, and create an individual parameter “Where was the cardboard ordered” for the order itself.

Short-list with other suggested settings and useful tricks in production management:   

What is best to write down and set as “product” in Prodio:

When you are going to prepare a product for your client more than once, it’s recommended to enter it into your database. Use the technology tab and set machines and their order as a default mode. Remember, you can duplicate products and prepare various types based on one well-prepared template.

Production schedule – what can you set as machines/operations?

All machines (their names) you use in the production process plus manual operations such as glueing, packaging, etc. Add a warehouse boy and the shopper as machines in the process.

Additional boxes worth adding for your branch:

To the product: FEFCO number, the cutter number, polymer number, Type of print: number of colours, pricing (it is possible to hide it in the Settings), delivery method.

You may find interesting:

More than 50 tricks in Prodio to make production management efficient How does Prodio’s production plan work? Efficient production calculation and accounting How to print production orders and register them based on their bar codes.

Frequently asked questions by cardboard packaging manufacturers

1. Is it possible for the one operator to operate multiple machines at the same time?

Yes, it is. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be possible to register production effectively in your branch.

2. Is it possible to include additional procedures such as machine setting or gluing?

Yes, it is. It is possible to create different technological sequences as the product’s technology part, displayed on the shop floor.

3. While working on different projects Clients trust us with their documentation which is often confidential - is Prodio a safe solution?

We do our best to safeguard your secrets – it is clear that the future of our business depends on it.

In 90-95% of cases, data in Prodio is more secure than saved locally:

– connections to the web browser are encrypted,

– the server is located in one of the leading and best-secured data centres in Europe,

– in our company, only two people have access to complete data, and they have financial liability,

– together with security experts, we request a paid simulations of hacking and breaking in to assess and update the level of security,

– separate server archives data a few times a day.

We are ready to sign an NDA agreement upon request of our regular Clients.

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