Manufacturing tips

How can you use printed work orders on the shop floor?

Manufacturing tips

Five reasons you delay the implementation of Prodio because you want to be a perfectionist.

Employees and motivation

How to avoid burnout when you manage a small manufacturing business?

Manufacturing tips

Is manufacturing software a good choice for a company offering services?

Updates and new features

AN UPDATE: The possibility to view the scheduler on the shop floor, workers’ comments on related orders + a few minor improvements on the production schedule.

Manufacturing tips

Catch your runaway indirect costs – manufacturing overhead

Updates and new features

AN UPDATE: new features- from Prodio with love ;-)

Manufacturing tips

Why is it worth including manufacturing process engineers and non-production operations on the production schedule?

Manufacturing tips

Practical examples of how you can organize manufacturing orders on the production schedule

Manufacturing tips

Efficient production schedule – what are its critical elements?

Updates and new features

AN UPDATE: a new calendar view, multi planning, the beta version of the latest list of orders.

First steps

Take a shortcut – log into both panels and different methods of registration of work.